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[CTRL] [5] Inside The League







Inside The League
Scott Anderson and Jon Lee Anderson1986


I am the world's wealthiest fascist.
-Ryoichi Sasakawa

IN AUGUST 1945, thirteen Japanese fascists climbed to a hilltop above Tokyo.
From the hill, they looked out at shimmering Tokyo Bay and saw the surrounding snowcapped mountains, the brilliant green of the rice paddies, and the tiny hamlets whose coal fires sent little black spumes into the blue sky. But the men hadn't come to admire the view. The empire they had spent
their lives creating lay in ruins. Hiroshima and Nagasaki had been obliterated by atomic bombs. American troops were massed just over the horizon, ready to invade. The talk in Tokyo was of surrender. For the men on Atagoyama Hill, that would be the ultimate disgrace. Better to die than bear witness to the final humiliation.



As thousands of their countrymen throughout Japan and on untold numbers of islands in the Pacific had already done, twelve of the men, members of the ultra-right Sonjo Doshikai ("Association for the Reverence of the Emperor and the Expulsion of the Barbarians") had come to the hill to commit suicide. The thirteenth member of their party was apparently there to dissuade them. It was to no avail the men on Atagoyama held hand grenades to their stomachs and pulled the pins. Only one man, Yoshio Kodama, came down from the hill.


Kodama had a lot to live for. Thanks to the war and the patronage of a political leader, Ryoichi Sasakawa, he was sitting on a fortune of over $200 million. In the years ahead, he would help create the dominant political party of Japan, make and destroy prime ministers, fund the World Anti-Communist League, and be the principal figure in the greatest scandal in modern Japanese history. Working alongside him would be Sasakawa, his old mentor.


The lives of Kodama and Sasakawa, the pre-eminent fascist leaders in postwar Japan, are closely intertwined. Born in 1899, Ryoichi Sasakawa, the son of a small sake (rice whiskey) brewer, became a millionaire at thirty by speculating on rice futures. In 1931, he formed the Kokusui Taishuto, a militarist political movement and, according to a U.S. Counter-Intelligence Corps (CIC) report after World War II, was "one of the most active Fascist organizers prior to the war."


Yoshio Kodama started life more abjectly. An orphan who had survived by toiling in sweatshops, he found his calling among the various right-wing movements that sprouted up throughout Japan in the 1930s. Often these yakuza groups functioned more as criminal bands than as genuine ideological movements; modeling themselves after the legends of the samurai warriors, they displayed their allegiance to a particular leader by covering their bodies with tattoos, they repented errors by cutting off the tips of their little fingers. Bankrolled by conservative businessmen and politicians, these private yakuza armies broke up labor unions, "protected" factories and offices from vandalism, and assassinated opposition leaders. The young Kodama excelled at these activities and by the time he was fifteen was a terrorist leader in his own right. In 1931, he sent a dagger to a former Japanese minister of finance. "Allow me to present you with this instrument," the accompanying note read, "so appropriate for our troubled times. I leave you to make up your mind as to how to use it-to defend yourself, or to commit ritual suicide."[1]


The threat landed the twenty-year-old Kodama in jail, but it was not in vain; the day he was released, another yakuza succeeded in killing the former minister.


As the forces of fascism took over Japan and as the war in Manchuria got under way, the talents of men like Sasakawa and Kodama were suddenly needed. Both were released in order to further the cause of the empire Kodama to carry out intelligence missions in China and Sasakawa to resurrect his Kokusui Taishuto movement, whose followers were now clad in blackshirts, the symbol of international fascism they were to rally forces behind the government's plans to rule Asia. Sasakawa even flew to Rome for a personal audience with Mussolini, a man he would later describe as "the perfect fascist." In 1942 Sasakawa was elected to the Japanese Parliament (Diet) on the promise of expanding the war throughout Asia.


In the meantime, Kodama was making a name for himself in China. Entrusted with the task of keeping the Japanese navy supplied with raw materials, Kodama made a fortune of at least $200 million by seizing materiel, often at the point of a gun, and then selling it back to his own government at exorbitant prices.


At war's end, both men were sent to prison by the American Occupation Forces, classified as Class A war criminals. "Sasakawa," a CIC report concluded in 1946, "appears to be a man potentially dangerous to Japan's political future.... He has been squarely behind Japanese military aggression and anti-foreignism for more than twenty years. He is a man of wealth and not too scrupulous about its use.... He is not above wearing any new cloak that
opportunism may offer. "[2]

児玉誉士夫も、アメリカ人の目には、同じように危険な存在に映った。暴力も含めた超国家主義的な活動に長く狂信的に関わり、若者にアピールする術に長けている。もし、抑留から解放されたら、間違いなく安全保障上の重大なリスクとなる人物だ。上海時代の闇取引での利益に関する根強い噂と、周知のご都合主義は、彼が取引において 超国家主義者であったのと同様に、貿易においても無節操であったからである[3]。

Yoshio Kodama was, in the eyes of the Americans, just as potentially dangerous: "His long and fanatic involvement in ultra-nationalistic activities, violence included, and his skill in appealing to youth make him a man who, if released from internment, would surely be a grave security risk.... Persistent rumors as to his black-market profits in his Shanghai period, plus his known opportunism, are forceful arguments that he would be as unscrupulous in trade as he was in ultra-nationalism.[3]


But just as they did with the Nazis in Europe, the American occupation authorities had a change of heart about Japan's war criminals. As the Cold War began, the enemy was no longer the fascists but the communists. In Japan, as for example in Italy, the political left emerged from the war as a major power bloc with the potential for becoming the dominant political force and even, it was feared by the Americans, for leading the nation into the Soviet camp. Sasakawa, Kodama, and other prominent Japanese war criminals were quietly released from prison in 1948 and became some of the prime-movers, organizers, and funders of the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party, a conservative pro-American party that has controlled the political life of Japan ever since. Through this maneuver, the old ruling circles of Japan, the men who had allied with Nazi Germany and plunged their nation into a war of military imperialism throughout Asia, were resurrected and brought back into leadership roles.

米国が戦犯を釈放する代わりに、彼らの人脈と資金を利用し その見返りとして、アメリカは戦犯を釈放し、その人脈と資金を利用して、成長する左派を弱体化させるという取引が行われたという見方が多い。その証拠に、機密指定を解除された当時の文書がある。国際軍事裁判のアメリカ人中尉であるフランク・オニール氏は、1946年、児玉は、中国人が所有する日用品や商品を不正な手段や公正な方法で取得するために、中国で数多くの暴力行為を行った」と結論付けている。1948年、同じオニール氏は「今日から10年後、児玉は偉大な人物になるだろう」と予言した。[4]

Many observers feel that a deal was struck, in which the United States released the war criminals in return for use of their connections and money to undercut the growing left. There is some evidence of this change of heart in declassified American documents from the period. Frank ONeill, an American lieutenant attached to the International Military Tribunal, concluded in 1946 that Kodama "committed numerous acts of violence in China in the acquisition by foul means or fair of commodities and goods [belonging to] the Chinese", in 1948, the same Mr. ONeill predicted that "ten years from today this man Kodama is going to be a great leader of Japan. [4]


Besides being two of the prime backers of the Liberal Democratic Party, Sasakawa and Kodama extended their influence to other fields. Sasakawa rebuilt his personal fortune through the establishment of the Japan Motorboat Racing Association* and maintained his contacts in the right-wing underworld through an organization called the National Council of Patriotic Organizations, or Zenai Kaigi. On the board with him were "several yakuza bosses and at least three right-wing terrorists convicted of the assassinations of Prime Ministers in the 1930's." [5] 


Sasakawa got a bill passed through the Diet in 1959 establishing this monopoly with himself as head. The prime minister at the time was Kishi Nobosuke, another former Class A war criminal and Sasakawa's cellmate at Sugamo Prison, Kishi was the prime mover in the establishment of APACL-Japan and was active in the WACL throughout the 1960s, including serving as chairman of the planning committee in 1970.


Kodama, meanwhile, added to his wealth by becoming one of the supreme bosses of the Japanese underworld, mediating disputes between rival yakuza and receiving protection money from Japanese industry. He, too, had his own organization, the Sheishikai, nicknamed "Kodama's Club," which was composed almost entirely of underworld groups.

「私の永遠の歴史を始めることができる者だ "と。

If the backgrounds of Sasakawa and Kodama are less than illus-trious, that of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon is downright bizarre. The son of middle-class parents from what is now North Korea, Moon's life took a dramatic turn when, walking through the hills around his village, he was visited by Jesus Christ.
"You are the son I have been seeking," 
Christ informed the startled sixteen-year-old, 
"the one who can begin my eternal history."


Moon clearly took this sign from heaven to heart- today his Unification Church, operating under a bewildering maze of religious, cultural, political, and economic front groups, spreads the word and influence of the "Heavenly Father" on five continents.


In Moon's eyes, Christ technically falls into the category of a failure, for although he established a spiritual kingdom, he didn't establish a physical or political one. Moon is here to rectify that oversight he is anointed as the man to complete Jesus' original mission.

エスを拒絶したため、イスラエルはもはや神に選ばれた土地ではなくなってしまった(ただし、ユダヤ人は第二次世界大戦で600万人の死者を出してようやく清められたが)。神は新しいメシアと新しいアダムの国を見つけなければならなかった。統一教会の最も独創的な側面の一つは、地形に基づいて国家に霊性と性別を帰属させることである。「韓国は半島であり、物理的に男性に似ている。日本はイブの立場である。島国に過ぎないから アダムになることはできない。本土にある男性のような半島状の韓国を切望している。アメリカは大天使の国である。その母体はイギリスであり、これもまたイブの位置にある島国である。"[6]

Because it rejected Jesus, Israel is no longer God's chosen land (though the Jews were finally cleansed by suffering six million dead in World War II), God had to find a new Messiah and a new Adam country. Moon and Korea were uniquely designed for this purpose, for one of the most original aspects of Unification-ism is its attribution of spirituality and gender to nations based upon their topography. "It [Korea] is a peninsula, physically resembling the male.... Japan is in the position of Eve. Being only an island country, it cannot be Adam. It yearns for male-like peninsular Korea on the mainland.... America is an archangel country. Its mother is England, another island country in the position of Eve. "[6]


Today, Unification Church disciples, or "Moonies," are, according to former members, "love-bombed" upon induction, fed high-carbohydrate diets, and kept awake for long periods. These are basic forms of brainwashing designed to lower a person's resistance to coercion or suggestion. Initiates are kept under close surveillance, told to report their every action, even their dreams, to their leaders, and, when finally trusted, offered "redemption" by going out to raise funds for the Church. The fund-raisers, called "Mobile Teams," best known for relentlessly selling flowers, American flags, and magazines in airports, send to headquarters a payment of ten percent "for family support."

「父からの指示 "と題する1983年の機密文書で、文はこう宣言している。「電話するときは、まず伝えたいことを一つ一つ書き留めなさい。そして、その返答を記録してください。メッセージを確認したら、「さようなら」と言って、すぐに電話を切りなさい。私はめったに電話をかけません。電話を悪用すると、兄弟の血を悪用する罪を犯すことになります。

Virtually every action a Moonie makes is scrutinized, analyzed, and regulated. Moonies are constantly berated to save money, to tighten their belts, and to function on little food and sleep. "It's a sin to call long distance necessarily," Moon proclaimed in a confidential 1983 paper entitled "Instructions from Father." "When you are going to call, first, write down each point you wish to convey. Then, record the response. After you acknowledge the message, say goodbye and quickly hang up. I seldom call. If you misuse phone calls you are committing the crime of misusing your brother's blood."


Throughout Moonie indoctrination, the "Heavenly Father" holds himself up as an example to be emulated. "Initiate an austerity program," the instruction memo goes on. "In eating, be tasteful, not excessive. I never eat snacks. You don't need any snack. Also, we never eat as we walk. It's unhealthy. Divide the eating, walking and talking time. I abhor eating and walking at the same time. I never carry food in my pocket or buy chewing gum.... I'm not fat. I have a special muscle for speaking long periods of time."


Moon never would have developed that "special muscle" if it hadn't been for the intervention of the Korean CIA or the financial largesse of Japanese underworld bosses Sasakawa and Kodama.


After studying electrical engineering in Japan during World War II, Moon returned to Pyongyang (now the capital of North Korea) to found his first church. "It was no different from many other unorthodox Christian sects except for the ritual of 'blood separation/ involving female members of the Church. They were required to have sexual relations with Moon, to clear themselves of 'the taint of Satan.' "[7]


Moon was arrested by the communist authorities twice and in 1947 was sentenced to five years in Hungnam Prison. Although he maintains that this was just another example of communist persecution of religion, other sources, including former Korean government officials, say the charges were in response to the Church's reported orgiastic practices.


Eventually freed by United Nations troops in their advance north during the Korean War, Moon fled to Pusan, in South Korea. There he founded the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity or, simply, the Unification Church.


Moon's ministry found quite a few converts among the homeless and impoverished refugees who flooded Pusan, but the strange tenets he espoused were met with suspicion and hostility by both the rulers of South Korea and the established Catholic clergy. 


Moon could count among his disciples, however, a number of well-connected young army officers. When he was again arrested in 1955, this time on a morals charge for staying the night in a "love hotel" with a follower, Moon's military contacts managed to get the charge changed to violation of military conscription law and it was eventually dropped.

文教団にとって大きな収穫となったのは、1962年に新設された韓国中央情報部(CIA)の金鍾泌キム・ジョンピル)部長が米国を公式訪問した時である。通訳は文氏の部下である金相仁氏であった。ワシントンの韓国大使館から彼の訪米をコーディネートしたのは 文氏の首席補佐官である朴保日(パク・ボヒ)大佐である。

A major boon for Moon's Church came in 1962 when Kim Jong Pil, director of the newly formed Korean Central Intelligence Agency, went to the United States on an official visit. His interpreter was Kim Sang In, a Moon lieutenant. Coordinating his visit from the Korean Embassy in Washington was Colonel Bo Hi Pak, who is today Moon's chief aide.


Impressed by Pak's access to influential American government officials, Kim Jong Pil held a secret conference with Unification Church leaders in the United States at the St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco. According to Robert Boettcher, former staff director of the House Subcommittee on International Relations, which investigated Moon's ties to the KCIA, Kim Jong Pil "decided the Unification Church should be organized satisfactorily to be utilized as a political tool whenever he and KCIA needed it.... It was a situation favorable both to Moon's plan for expanding via the good graces of the government and to Kim Jong Pils plans for building a personal power base."[8]


世界を支配するためには、まず韓国から始めなければならない。そのためには、政府内に忠実なカルト教団員を配置することが不可欠です。権力者を動かし、自分も影響力を持つことができるよう、うまく配置しなければならない。彼らは、文氏の権力目標を明らかにすることなく、統一教会が政府にとって有用な政治的道具であると説明することに長けていなければならない。文氏が政府に奉仕することで、政府は彼に奉仕することになるのです......。政府は 政府は彼を必要とするようになり、彼が政府を支配できるようになるかもしれません。[9]

This was the attainment of one of Moon's most important aims.

In order to rule the world, Moon had to start with Korea. It was essential that he have loyal cultists inside the government. They had to be well placed so they could sway powerful persons and become influential themselves. They must be skillful in portraying the Unification Church as a useful political tool for the government without revealing Moon's power goals. By Moon's serving the government, the government would be serving him.... The government could come to need him so much that he would be able to take control of it. [9]


In order to gain greater influence and to serve the Korean government, it was necessary to expand Unification activities in the United States. Entrusted with this program was Colonel Bo Hi Pak, KCIA agent, member of the Unification Church since 1957, and assistant military attache in the Korean Embassy in Washington.


Pak returned to Korea in 1963 and retired from the army. Although he was now a private citizen and thus subject to South Korea's strict passport laws, he was able to return to Washington on a diplomatic visa with a letter from the National Defense Ministry stating he was on a diplomatic mission.


Upon his return, Pak created the Korean Cultural and Freedom Foundation (KCFF), an organization ostensibly dedicated to furthering cultural ties between the United States and Korea. Pak quickly lined up an impressive list of names for the letterhead, including former Presidents Truman and Eisenhower, as honorary presidents, and Richard Nixon as an adviser. What these and many other prominent Americans did not know was that the foundation was actually a front behind which the Unification Church and the KCIA gained access to American policymakers.


The foundation scheduled tours of the Little Angels, a Korean singing company and "unofficial goodwill ambassadors," an idea Pak got after watching a concert of the Vienna Boys' Choir. Although the tours also served the Koreans' goals of winning influence abroad (the Little Angels gave a private performance for former President Eisenhower in Gettysburg and appeared at the United Nations and before Queen Elizabeth II), there was another, hidden bonus for Bo Hi Pak.

トルエンジェルスは、KCFFの資金を米国に持ち込むための便利な乗り物であることを発見した...。大きな金額を、税関を通る前に メンバー間で分配することができる......。1972年、リトルエンジェルスは リトルエンジェルスは1800万円[58,000ドル]を届けた」[10]。

He discovered the Little Angels could be convenient vehicles for bringing cash for the KCFF into the United States.... Large amounts could be divided among members of the company before passing through Customs.... In 1972, a little Angels travelling group delivered 18 million yen [$58,000]."[10]


Pak had also mastered the art of lining up prominent Americans for seemingly legitimate causes, then using the respectability that those Americans lent to raise money for the Unification Church. A particularly bold example was the
launching of Radio of Free Asia (ROFA) in 1966. Contacting anti-communist American supporters for a radio station that would broadcast propaganda from South Korea into North Korea, mainland China, and North Vietnam, Pak placed these Americans in the directorship and put their names on the ROFA letterhead, which was sent out in mass mailings across the United States asking for donations. 


It would appear, then, that along with ardent anti-communism and nationalism, the Reverend Moon also shared with Sasakawa and Kodama, his future Japanese underworld benefactors, a lack of reverence for legitimate business practices.


One Moon mission was to rally anti-communist, pro-Korean forces in Asia. With the backing of the Korean government and with funds coming partly from his share in state-controlled Korean industries, including the Tong-il Armaments Company, an armaments manufacturer, Moon established the International Federation for the Extermination of Communism. Although the dramatic name probably endeared him to the Korean military, it was a little much for other countries; the U.S. branch was called the Freedom Leadership Foundation.


It was in Japan that Moon found his bonanza. Membership in the Japanese Unification Church had quickly surpassed that of the original Church in Korea. Even today, with Church membership declining rapidly in the United States and the Korean chapter virtually dormant, the Unification Church in Japan remains a powerful force.

笹川良一は、日本の指導者として初めて統一教会の良さを理解した人物です。統一教会 1958年、日本で統一教会は西川勝という人物によって、「原理運動」という名前で始まりました。しかし、西川勝は日本人ではなく、不法入国した朝鮮人の崔相益(チェサンイク)であることが判明しました。崔の入管裁判では、笹川が身元引受人となり 笹川が身元保証人になった。以後、笹川は原理運動の顧問として重要な役割を果たすことになる。

Ryoichi Sasakawa was the first Japanese leader to see the advantages of the Unification Church. In 1958, the Unification Church was begun in Japan under the name Genri Undo by a man named Nishikawa Masaru. It soon turned out that Masaru was not Japanese at all but was rather a Korean, Choi Sang Ik, who had entered Japan illegally. During Choi's subsequent immigration trial, Sasakawa interceded as his legal guarantor. From that time on, Sasakawa played an important role as adviser to Genri Undo.

しかし、文も笹川も、単に教会を作るだけでは満足しなかった。笹川は生涯にわたって超国家主義的な活動を行い、文は地上に「物理的使命」を確立することを聖なる目的としていたからである。そのためには 政治部門を設立するか、いっそのこと世界反共同盟のような既存の組織を乗っ取る必要があった。

Neither Moon nor Sasakawa was content merely to promote a church, however, in keeping with Sasakawa's lifetime involvement in ultra-nationalist activities and Moon's holy quest to establish a "physical mission" on earth, it was necessary to establish a political arm or, even better, to take over an existing one, like the World Anti-Communist League.


In July 1967, Sasakawa arranged a secret cabal at a building he owned on a lake in Yamanashi Prefecture. Among those attending were Reverend Moon, Shirai Tameo, and Osami Kuboki. Tameo was an underworld lieutenant of Yoshio Kodama and secretary of the innocuously named Japan Youth Lectures, a Kodama organization that indoctrinated and trained young members of the yakuza gangs. Kuboki was secretary-general of Japan's Genri Undohe also served as an adviser and lecturer to Kodama's Youth Lectures.


The purpose of the meeting was to create in Japan a Korean-styte anti-communist movement that could operate under the umbrella of the World Anti-Communist League and that would further Moon's global crusade and lend the Japanese yakuza leaders a respectable new facade. Shokyo Rengo, or "Victory Over Communism," was born. Ryoichi Sasakawa was made overall chairman of Shokyo Rengo, and Yoshio Kodama its chief adviser.[11]


In April 1968, Shokyo Rengo was chosen as the official Japanese chapter of the League. While theoretically unaffiliated with the Unification Church, virtually its entire membership came from Moonie ranks or the yakuza minions of Kodama and Sasakawa.


It was in the months preceding the 1970 (WACL) Congress that the general public in Japan first became aware of the existence of Shokyo Rengo, when its activists carried out a nation-wide campaign in the streets publicizing the congress, passing out leaflets, collecting donations, etc.[12]

1970年に京都と東京で開催されたリーグ大会では、 久保木修が財務委員長に、笹川が総合委員長に任命された。リーグ史上最大の大会となったのは、勝共連合の協賛金によるところが大きい。

At the 1970 League conference, held in Kyoto and Tokyo, Osami Kuboki was named chairman of the finance committee, and Sasakawa, the overall chairman. Shokyo Rengo sponsored the conference its monetary generosity was considered the chief reason for this being the biggest gathering in League history.


After their sponsorship of the 1970 League conference, both Sasakawa and Kodama stayed in the spotlight. Although Sasakawa no longer plays a visible role in the League, he remains a firm believer and important financier of both the Unification Church and Shokyo Rengo in Japan. In 1974 he created the World Karate Federation with Jhoon Rhee, another Moon lieutenant. Because of his philanthropy, Sasakawa has been honored with the Helen Keller International Award, the Linus Pauling Medal for Humanitarianism, and the United Nations Peace Medal. Now he is reportedly angling for a Nobel Peace Prize.

児玉誉士夫氏は、日本のヤクザの中で最も強力なボスの一人であった。 1970年代には、ロッキード社の日本・韓国代理人も務め、日本政府にロッキード社の飛行機を買わせるために賄賂を贈った。1978. このスキャンダルにより、田中首相は倒れたが 1985年に亡くなるまで、彼は少なくとも700万ドルの富を築き、自分の領域を広げることができた。今日、ヤクザの後継者たちは、米国をその領域の一部とみなしているようだ。

Yoshio Kodama remained one of the most powerful of Japan's yakuza bosses. In the 1970s, he was also the Japanese and Korean agent for the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, his bribery efforts to get the Japanese government to buy Lockheed airplanes made him the central figure in the Lockheed scandal in 1978. The scandal pulled down the government of Prime Minister Tanaka but left the gangster, until his death in 1985, at least $7 million richer with which to expand his domain. Today it seems that his yakuza successors might consider the United States part of that domain.


In 1985, "federal immigration inspectors at Honolulu International Airport, on special alert for Japanese gangsters, noted a curious similarity among some of the hundreds of tourists arriving from Japan each week: a little finger had been partly amputated. [13]



11.     笹川と児玉が月と手を組んだのには、もう一つ理由があったかもしれない。第二次世界大戦後、日本は銃規制が極めて厳しく、ヤクザが使う武器は次々と密輸されるしかなかった。韓国政府の庇護のもと、統一教会はトンイル工業を所有・運営していた。統一教会は韓国政府の支援の下、統一工業を傘下に置き、ライフルやM-16アサルトライフルの部品を製造する武器製造会社である。また、韓国の京畿道(キョンギド)でイェファ・エアガン社も運営している。


  1. Sasakawa and Kodama may have had another reason for their alliance with Moon. Since the end of World War II, Japan has had extremely strict gun-control laws, and weapons for the yakuza gangs have had to be smuggled in one by one. Under the Korean government's patronage, the Unification Church owned and operated Tong-il Industries. Tong-il is a weapons manufacturer that makes rifles and components for M- 16 assault rifles. It also operates the Yewha Air Gun Company in Kyonggi-Do, Korea. In 1975, seven years after the Yamanashi conference, the Japanese importer of air rifles from Korea was a shadow company, Angus Arms Company, which was not registered or in any corporate directory. The rifles, according to political analyst Pharris Harvey in a memorandum to the House Subcommittee on International Relations in May 1978, "are sold, exclusively it seems to members of Shokyo Rengo and UC [Unification Church]."