


Even those who claim to be scholars and experts do not know the history of the Pacific Islands. They speak from their own assumptions. Anyone who writes or speaks that "Palau was a colony of Spain, Germany, Japan, and the United States" should assume they know nothing about it.

There is no historical fact that Spain colonized Palau and the Caroline Islands after the Treaty of Tridecillaes in 1494, which divided the earth into two parts with Portugal.

In the 19th century, Anglo-German trade was intensified, and at first the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Spain claimed no sovereignty at the Palau and Caroline islands, but then public opinion and the media started to make a noise.

Bismarck made a wise decision to leave the arbitration to Pope Leo XIII to avoide the Spanish-German War. Leo XIII responded to Bismarck's expectations and issued a decision known as the "Solomon Judgment". That is, sovereignty went to Spain and trade and commercial rights went to Germany.

Nearly 400 years after the Treaty of Tridecillaes, Spain established its first administrative authority, but their colonial administrations were all failures. The Caroline Islands colony became a further burden on the declining nation. Then came the defeat in the Spanish-American War in 1898. Germany, hoping to take advantage of the war, began negotiations with Spain, which had been impoverished by the war, and under the Spain-German Treaty of June 30, 1899, bought the Caroline and Mariana Islands for half of Spain's asking price.

The details are in Prof. Kumao Takaoka's book, "The History of German Inner South Sea Governance," which I spoke about in my Twitter space as I chewed through it, and you can listen to it until early October.







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